Looking for a position

  Obtained my B.Sc in Computer Science in Media from the
University “Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart”.
My bachelor thesis involved developing an analysis software, designed to visualize behavioural data by means of a 3D heat map.

  Android/iOS and hybrid mobile app development, web development, consumer & enterprise software programming, game development, Scrum project management, UI-Design, online marketing.

  Java, JavaEE, Javascript, Typescript, HTML, Angular 1&2, C, C++, Swift, Delphi, Blueprint, Construct2, Winautomation.

   I love to code small games, like to go to the movies, and visit the gym so that I can cook&eat more ;) Also travelling and meeting nice people!

  Grew up and living in a small village near Stuttgart Germany.

So much for myself :) Also check out my projects!